Sunday, July 06, 2008

My Scrap Mojo is Back, Baby!

It is so true that you have to make time to have a hobby, well, a hobby other than white cheddar popcorn snacking while watching Top Model. In creativity it also takes staying in it, both in your own production of creative material and being inspired by seeing what others are producing, to stay sharp.

So, here is a new production of mine -- a new personal fave -- and a new inspiration, a fantastic photographer who I never knew until today. Interestingly, as I sometimes have happen, I found out about a great photographer through a digiscrapping thread.

Credits: overlay from Shannon Fahrnbach's Make a Paper Scrapbasics
paper from Audra Little's Family Traditions kit

Check out the beautiful photographic artistry of Irene Suchocki:
Irene Suchocki